Ripple Effects Wellbeing


It only takes one drop to create movement
And where there is movement there is change.

Welcome to our journey!

Ripple Effects Wellbeing specialises in holistic integrative healthcare using the unique framework and techniques of the BodyTalk System™.

My name is Miriam Anna and it is my vision to support you in regaining a lasting state of health, balance, happiness and empowerment in your life. I thoroughly believe that each one of us deserves no less than that and that we are, in fact, here to shine.  How are we going to achieve that?

YOU are the expert. 

The BodyTalk System™ is holistic and based on utilising your bodymind's own special innate ability to heal.  It acknowledges that the process of healing is as unique as every human being and that every person deserves to be met fully. In a Session we are looking at you as a whole, encompassing the physical as well as the emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of your bodymind. 

Every session is specifically tailored to YOU as a WHOLE at that particular time. 

Together, we will dive in and go beyond the surface of the symptoms. The aim is to find the roots of the discomfort, ailments and disease, highlighting them to your body's own innate wisdom. Now, the  underlying imbalances and stressors can be addressed and removed allowing the communication within our bodymind to be restored so that healing can occur. 

It's the addressing of those core issues whilst looking at the person as a whole which makes BodyTalk such a powerful healing modality, creating those ripple effects which bring about the lasting changes .  

What's involved? 

BodyTalk is a safe, non-invasive and integrative healing modality. Sessions can be conducted in person or remotely/online, giving you the opportunity to comfortably attend from wherever you are.

For more in depth info on how sessions are conducted, you can click here. Let me tell you - it is simple and it works!

The BodyTalk System™ does not involve any form of diagnosis or prescription of medicine. All it takes is you and your desire and willingness to change and step into a new, healthier and more balanced chapter of your life 😊.  

Are you ready to jump? 

You can find more of what my clients say under the Testimonial tab 😃.

How BodyTalk can help:

Need more meat on the bone?
BodyTalk has proven to be of tremendous support for people in a large spectrum of life circumstances and with a variety of health and life challenges. So there're not really any limitations. But here're some more specific pointers on how a you might benefit from a session with me:

Most people experience significant and relatively quick shifts in relation to their symptoms, their overall health and wellbeing. The ripples of a BodyTalk session often go far beyond those sudden changes though and can continue to give and unfold over several weeks or even months. This is what makes it such a magickal experience ✨.

To learn more about the BodyTalk System™, how I personally work in my practice and if this is for you click here. You can also drop me a line via the contact page or simply give me a call. 

Disclaimer: Please note that a BodyTalk Session is NOT a substitute for medical treatment at any time. Especially not in an emergency situation. It does not involve any form of diagnosis, nor the prescription of any medication, herbs, supplements or any other form of treatment. Furthermore, as a BodyTalk practitioner, I do not perform any injections, spinal manipulations, massage or needling and I do not give any medical advice.  

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